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With the warmer months just around the corner, we are looking for all possible ways to cool down our home and refresh ourselves from the high temperatures. Traditional air conditioners can be useful in this process, but the unpleasant airflow they produce can endanger both our health and our mood.

That's why Samsung created a new air conditioner, Samsung WindFree, which provides a completely new cooling experience - it cools, not blows.

WindFree™ technology creates a much gentler and milder air flow, evenly distributed through tens of thousands of micro holes, so you don't feel unpleasant blowing, but only pleasant cool air.

The Samsung WindFree air conditioner offers a solution for all those who want to cool their home while feeling comfortable and carefree. Thanks to the WindFree technology, the device uses a minimum amount of energy in the WindFree operating mode, which ensures cooling, but also reduces electricity bills. In addition, the device has a quiet operation that reduces ambient noise and allows you to enjoy silence even on the hottest days.

But the innovations of the Samsung WindFree air conditioner do not stop there. Thanks to the SmartThings app, you can easily manage the temperature in your home from any remote location. And if you want a device that fits perfectly into your interior, don't worry - the Samsung WindFree air conditioner comes in different design variants.

In addition to residential buildings, you can use WindFree technology to air-condition larger spaces such as business buildings, cafes, restaurants, etc.

However, don't take our words for granted.

We invite you to visit the Ening showroom in Podgorica at 4. jul 56A Street on Tuski put. In our WindFree cabin, you can experience the operation of WindFree air conditioning in a natural environment and learn all the details from our experts.

For additional information on the price of the device, as well as other features, please contact us at:

+382 40 253 401



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